Das Kind ist geboren und der Körper ist wieder rank und schlank wie davor – so einfach geht das leider nicht. Auch die australische Fitnesstrainerin Emily (32) zeigt sich offen und ehrlich nach der Geburt ihres Babys.


I barely recognise myself when I look in the mirror! . I’m far from a “glam mum” HAHA! 😂 – I currently live in what you could call “granny undies”, it hurts to do much with the stitches from my episiotomy, and feeding is extremely painful – I had no idea it would be this bad! 😫 My back is still really sore and when I walk around it literally feels like my insides are going to fall out. 🙈 I also had diastasis recti that was 3 finger widths apart the day after giving birth. . My pregnancy was not how I thought it would be, I thought I’d be exercising regularly the whole way through but that did not happen as I was sick a lot of the time and had back pain that made it hard to just walk around the house. I ended up gaining over 21kg during my pregnancy in fat, fluid, baby, placenta etc. . So many people told me I would “bounce right back” after giving birth like a lot of other fit women do. – Well that’s definitely not the case for me! It’s only 5 days after I gave birth to Mia and I look about 6 or so months pregnant. I can tell I’m going to have a LOT of hard work ahead of me to get fit and strong again which I KNOW I can do but it’s not my priority right now – spending this time with my daughter is. Getting my “body back” can take a back seat for the time being… I’ll get there in a realistic time frame & I refuse to put pressure on myself to get there. . I am SO blessed and beyond happy to bring home my baby girl Mia today. I feel completely content. I look at her and start crying because of the overwhelming love I have for her and I love my body SO much for growing this precious little person. 😊🙌🏼💗 . . #5dayspostpartum #mumlife #bodypositive #blessed .

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“Ich lebe im Moment in Oma-Unterwäsche”

erzählt die Australierin. In dem Posting beschreibt die junge Fitnesstrainerin, wie es ihr nur fünf Tage nach ihrer Geburt körperlich geht. Ihr Bauch ist noch rund und prall. Sie zeigt uns, wie ein Bauch kurz nach einer Geburt ausschaut – da herrscht Fehlanzeige von ihrem einstigen Sixpack. Glücklich ist die frischgebackene Mama aber alle Mal und wir finden, sie ist auch noch ein super Vorbild für alle anderen werdenenden Mütter, die vielleicht Angst vor ihrem After-Babybody haben. Der Bauch darf hängen und wabbeln, wir dürfen Cellulite haben und Dehnungsstreifen – all das ist normal, auch bei einer Fitnesstrainerin.


For me this whole “snap back” idea is unrealistic – it’s taking me hard work, consistency and patience. I’ve got a saggy belly, extra body fat, cellulite, stretch marks & I’ve lost a lot of muscle but my abs are still under there when I flex my butt off haha! 😝 I’m 2 days into my FIT Program and I’m doing the home workouts and I’m feeling absolutely amazing! The endorphins are real! 😃🙌🏼 . Becoming a mum has changed me in so many ways. Some changes are positive and some could be seen as negative but I’m choosing to focus on the positives and the things I can control – such as working out and eating healthy. . Many people have told me things like: “your body is ruined” and “your body will never be the same”. – You’re right, it will be BETTER! 😝😃 . The best strength you can have in my opinion is mental strength and I’m much stronger mentally than I’ve ever been and I believe I can do whatever I set my mind to. I WILL get fit and strong again and I’m gonna have a rockin bod to match! Watch me!!… or even better JOIN ME! Let’s do this together! 👊🏼😉 . ✨ Trial my new FIT Program for FREE for 7 days – Link in my profile or go to: www.emilyskye.com ✨ . . @emilyskye_ig | @emilyskyefitness . . #6weekspostpartum #fitmum

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