Die Instagrammerin und zweifache Mama Maya Vorderstrasse postete ein Foto, wie sie ihre Tochter zum letzten Mal stillte. Und das Bild ist unglaublich emotional.

Knapp zwei Jahre hat Maya ihre zweite Tochter Hazel gestillt. Sie hielt den Weg immer wieder auf Fotos fest. Besonders emotional war das letzte Mal, als sie ihre Tochter stillte. Mit tränenüberströmten Gesicht streckt sie ihre Faust zum Himmel und teilt ihre Sorgen mit ihren Followern: “Ich war für so langer Zeit ihr Zufluchtsort und habe Angst, dass ich es nun nicht mehr bin. Mich plagt das schlechte Gewissen.”

Das Bild wurde knapp 45.000 Mal gelikt und tauasende Male kommentiert.

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The first and last time my precious Hazel ever nursed. I didn’t know that one person could feel so proud and so broken at the same time, right now I am a hormonal, emotional, and mental mess. Raising my arm in this picture was very difficult for me as I had to fight through uncontrollable tears: this picture meant that I would never breastfeed my Hazel ever again. I have been nursing for so long, that I don’t know what it’s like to not nurse anymore. As I looked behind the camera, Tim is crying like I had never seen him cry before, like seriously, a deep gut cry. I was her comfort, her safe place, and I hope she still finds me that way. A month shy of 2 years old, she finally has a bed in a shared bedroom with her sister. We bought Hazel her first bed, used any distraction we could come up with, snacks and new toys to keep her mind off of it. Tim has taken over bedtime completely, including all nighttime wakings. We are on our third day, and every day gets a little bit easier. The guilt I feel for not putting her to bed is so intense and I can’t wait to go back to it once she doesn’t ask to nurse anymore. Closing a chapter is painful, but I am hopeful that this new season of our lives will also be special in its own way. Through this maturation step she will not only grow more independent, but I will get a much needed break. She unlatched for the last time and sobbingly I said to Tim: “I did my best”. He hugged me and responded with: “No. You did THE best, because you gave her your all”. I love my family and am so thankful for such special and unforgettable moments like these. 💛 *my lazy boob has no clue about what’s going on, but thoughts and prayers are accepted for my good one, I really think it might explode🤱🏻 **thank you Tim, for insisting on filming this, I will treasure this forever.🤳🏼👩‍👧

Ein Beitrag geteilt von Maya Vorderstrasse (@mayavorderstrasse) am

Ja, Abstillen kann durchaus ein emotionaler Moment sein.