Diese Frau ist ein absoluter Profi im Multitasking. Während sie Yogaposen macht, stillt sie gleichzeitig ihr Kind. Carlee Benear ist natürlich kein Neunling was Yoga angeht, sondern zeigt auf ihrem Instagram Kanal schon lange außergewöhnliche Posen. Für alle Yoga-Mamas vielleicht auch eine schöne, entspannende Idee.


Y’all ..#anatomyofselflove Day 4 Let me just start with today’s incredible host @will_mcs 👌👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 Today’s affirmation is : I BELIEVE IN MYSELF And what a perfect pose : #peacockpose or #mayurasana to go along with that. This is a tough pose. After reading Will’s inspirational information post I was full of courage!!! It took me a BUNCH of attempts to figure it out. 🎉I could hardly hold it on two hands this morning, let alone ONE!!! 🎉This one isn’t a normal for me in my practice, so it took some determination to keep coming back and trying it again. Especially with the fast paced mornings of motherhood. But , I set a goal for myself and made myself accountable for this daily affirmation. This is why we set them, right? Every time I came back I got better, the communication started flowing and finally I got it!! Now tell me, why on earth that this was actually easier on one hand than two? While breastfeeding 😂 Meanwhile, my self doubt is sitting over there in the corner of my mind like,” I think I’ll take the day off 😬….” and backs away slowly 💪🔥 Light your fire Don’t forget to tag us so we see your posts and tag our generous sponsors 👇🏼 to be eligible to win rad gifts 🎁 @lovekikikins @jewellerybypinja @annakataika @pucket_pants #breastfeedingyoga #selflove #divineyourself #postpartumhealth

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✨Welcome to DAY 2 of #anatomyofselflove ✨ Pose breakdown and affirmation-@carleebyoga Information post-@weirdomandys Today I bring you #extendedhandtobigtoe or #utthitahastapadangasana Our AFFIRMATION today is: I AM AWARE Remember that with this pose, as well as the information post and you can accomplish great things. The Bhagavad Gita said “Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self.” And becoming aware of your body with wobbles, wiggles and falls is part of that journey. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 From Tadasana (standing), I personally ,when going onto one leg ,like to take a second to wiggle my toes and open the toes with a light mat grabbing motion on the leg I’m going to be relying on for balance because it helps my mind bring attention to that area. Maybe even some self wiggles to help shake those worries. Then bring your left knee toward your belly. Reach your left arm inside the thigh, cross it over the front ankle, and hold the outside of your left foot for more balance if needed. Or grab your big toe, everyone’s sense of stability is different so play around with your wobbles and find what works best. If your hamstrings are tight, hold a strap looped around the left sole. Firm the front thigh muscles of the standing leg, and press the outer thigh inward. Inhale and extend the left leg forward. Straighten the knee as much as possible. If you’re steady, swing the leg out to the side. Breathe steadily; breathing takes concentration, but it helps you balance. Sometimes focusing on other things, like breath, is a great mind trick to quiet your doubt. Hold for 30 seconds, then slowly swing the leg back to center with an inhale, and lower the foot to the floor with an exhale. Repeat on the other side for the same length of time. Check in with @weirdomandys for her amazing post on Balance and Proprioception. Don’t forget to tag us so we see your posts and tag our generous sponsors 👇🏼 to be eligible to win rad gifts 🎁 @lovekikikins @jewellerybypinja @annakataika @pucket_pants

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