Ein Londoner Fotograf hielt Väter kurz vor und nach der Geburt ihrer Sprösslinge fest. Die Bilder sind wunderbar.

Tom Oldham, ein Londoner Fotograf, verbrachte für die Fotoreihe Becoming A Father insgesamt 72 Stunden auf der Entbindungsstation des Universitätskrankenhauses in Lewisham. Er lichtete dabei Väter vor und nach der Geburt ihrer Kinder ab. Der Fokus ist bei dieser bezaubernden Fotoserie gewollt auf die Väter gelegt, denn auch wenn die Frauen die meiste Arbeit leisten, passiert auch vieles bei den Vätern: Angst, Ungewissheit und manchmal Machtlosigkeit.

Der Fotograf meinte im Interview mit der britischen Zeitung The Independent: “Diese Bilder zeigen einen wahrlich mächtigen Moment im Leben dieser Männer und sollen diese riesige Veränderung festhalten.”

2 of 3: Focussing on Dads and their reaction to becoming a father and what changes for them in that moment seemed like a new approach I hadn’t yet seen discussed so I was happy to apply the On:Off aesthetic to this assignment. You may remember I did a long project with The Fly magazine and then the charity War Child documenting bands the second before performance and the second after to capture the energy exchange that occurred. This had the same aims. Fortune favours the brave and it seemed such a challenge to get access in this most precious of moments I was as up for it as @helloromans were. This is Federico, shot at 1am last Sunday week. So exciting and tearful. A powerful moment, far more intense than the musical version. Andy and Tom are the new Dads behind Federico.

Ein Beitrag geteilt von Tom Oldham (@tommyophoto) am

3 of 3: Meet Toan and Pedro, our final new fathers in this series. Shot in a very intense 72 hours in Lewisham Hospital Birthing Centre, I marvelled at the team of incredible characters that consider this work normal. Imagine doing this all day?! They dealt with it famously in their stride and I dedicate this project to them and their generous warmth. Toan was so happy to introduce us to his son who’d continue his family name – an honour to meet them and shoot their portraits, genuinely. Portraits shot on the @hasselblad H6D-50c and lit in the Mandarin Suite with @broncolor Move location lighting. Gelled strip light on the back and Photek softlighter as the keylight, if you’re interested. Thanks again to @helloromans and all concerned.

Ein Beitrag geteilt von Tom Oldham (@tommyophoto) am